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Confidence, respect and a love of learning

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

It is an exciting and busy year.

This is an important year for the children as they prepare to make the move to secondary school. In addition, the end of Key Stage 2 tests (SATs) take place in May in which the children are assessed in Spelling and Grammar, Reading and Maths, Arithmetic and Reasoning.

Please take a look at the half-termly newsletters for an overview of the Year 6 curriculum as well us upcoming events and ways to support at home

Spring Term 2

year 6 newsletter spring 2.pdf

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for Year 6

Below are the year group KIRFs which are a set of age appropriate maths facts that are fundamental to children's fluency and mental maths skills.

Children should practise these regularly at home!

kirfs y6.pdf


Learning links for children in years 3-6
Click on these icons  to get shortcuts to other learning websites that you use at home and in school.
Need help signing into Google Classroom at home? Click here for instructions!