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Confidence, respect and a love of learning

Religious Education


Children attending Bonner Primary School often have very few experiences of life outside their local area due to being located in a region of high deprivation, which limits families' ability to engage with different cultures. At Bonner Primary School, we follow both the Tower Hamlets Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in accordance with Tower Hamlet’s Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE). We ensure inclusivity by studying both religious and non-religious teachings and beliefs, along with their relationship to the children’s developing personal worldviews. This approach fosters open-mindedness and understanding of other cultures and religions in line with British Values.


High-quality learning experiences in RE are designed and provided through careful planning of the curriculum, taking into account the need to offer breadth of content, depth of learning, and coherence between concepts, skills, and content. To ensure full curriculum coverage, we have implemented the following measures:

  • A unit of Religious Education is taught once each term.
  • Each of our termly themes focuses on enquiry questions, allowing children to learn about religion while reflecting on what they are learning from religion and applying lessons from all faiths to their lives.
  • Religious festivals are celebrated throughout the school via assemblies such as Christmas, Eid, Easter, Guru Nanak's Birthday, etc., ensuring everyone is informed regardless of the unit covered at the time.
  • Our school assemblies are directly aligned with DfE guidance on implementing SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development) and British Values, strategically planned to ensure scope, depth, and coverage.


RE helps build resilience to anti-democratic or extremist narratives, enabling pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging. This supports their flourishing within their communities and as citizens in a diverse society through their SMSC development—also fostered in PSHE—making them a better version of themselves. RE teaches pupils to respect others, including those with different faiths and beliefs, and helps to challenge prejudice. It prompts pupils to consider their responsibilities to themselves and others, exploring how they might contribute to their communities and to wider society.

The impact of our Religions and Worldviews curriculum at Bonner Primary School ensures that children are equipped with careful listening skills and a willingness to accept the diversity of worldviews they will encounter in KS3 and beyond.

Progression of Skills

progression of skills religious education.pdf