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Confidence, respect and a love of learning

Art & Design 


At Bonner Primary School, we cultivate a deep love of learning in Art, providing opportunities for pupils to have autonomy over their creative expression. All children, from Nursery to Year 6, can access the carefully sequenced curriculum and explore their individuality as artists. We foster confidence in pupils to engage with the broad range of artistic and transferable skills available to them while exploring a diverse array of artists to enrich their experience. Art provides an inclusive learning environment, fostering mutual respect, tolerance, and teamwork. Children at Bonner are taught about interpretation and the liberating opportunity that Art brings, allowing “every child to be an artist.” They are guided in developing their critical analysis by asking questions, boldly expressing opinions, and assessing not only their finished piece but the process that led them there, to enhance their learning. All children should leave Bonner Primary School with artistic knowledge and understanding, the ability to apply skills technically, use skills to problem-solve, work collaboratively, and reflect on their creative process. All children should have a wide, rich variety of experiences, and those with a clear passion will be well-equipped to confidently explore a career in the creative industries.


At Bonner Primary School, three topics of Art & Design are taught across the year, allowing pupils to achieve depth in their learning through multiple creative outlets. Classes take place either in the designated Art and DT Studio or in classrooms. The studio provides children with an environment where they can freely explore their creativity, inspired by surrounding materials, artworks, artists, and the opportunity to make a mess. The curriculum is structured through medium-term plans, ensuring alignment with the national curriculum and providing a clear progression of skills and knowledge. Each year group explores a diverse range of artists, learning to compare different styles and link them to their own work. Lessons focus on a skills-based approach, with pupils practising key processes such as drawing, painting, and sculpture while critically analysing different artists' works as well as their own. Every child’s personal, unique experience of art is encouraged and nurtured, and teachers are guided to focus on each child’s artistic journey, not just the end artwork.

Art at Bonner Primary School is an inclusive subject for all learners. SEND children are supported in accessing the art curriculum through tailored instructions that meet individual learning needs. Children are offered access to a variety of adaptive tools and materials, such as larger drawing surfaces, easy-grip scissors, textured paper, and paints, to facilitate creativity. Children are encouraged to participate in exploring the curriculum skills while progressing at their own pace. Opportunities for art learning extend beyond the classroom, with weekly Golden Time activities focused on developing children’s skills, art competitions in school, and after-school art clubs. Educational visits to galleries and museums are embedded in the curriculum to broaden children’s experiences. Additionally, staff have received CPD training from Whitechapel Gallery, attended art skill-focused staff meetings, and have access to online CPD resources to enhance their knowledge and enrich the art curriculum.


The art curriculum at Bonner Primary School inspires our children to embrace their unique creative potential, be brave, bold, and expressive artists who are not afraid to experiment. The curriculum is carefully designed to ensure high-quality teaching with clear progress in skills, knowledge, and vocabulary. Teachers assess pupils’ application of technical skills throughout units with formative assessments and observations of work being produced. Key vocabulary is explicitly taught and referred back to throughout units, and children are encouraged to integrate it within their answers in lessons. Practical learning is documented within sketchbooks and through pictures, and pupils provide insights through green pen reflections and end-of-unit quizzes. This ensures that by the end of Key Stage 2, children are equipped with the artistic skills and knowledge needed to be as successful as possible in their subsequent learning. Additionally, it fosters children’s confidence in their individual abilities, a respect for others’ opinions, and a love of learning within art, which they can carry forward to any future endeavours.

Progression of Skills

progression of skills art design.pdf