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Confidence, respect and a love of learning

Attendance & Absence

Research shows that children are likely to meet age-related expectations if they have high levels of attendance at school. If children understand how important good attendance and punctuality is they will achieve more in school and will develop good habits for the future. Our attendance target for the school is 97%

Absence from school will be authorised if it is due to severe illness or medical needs. However, we still encourage children to attend school unless they are very unwell.

Please see the guidance below from the NHS on deciding whether your child is well enough to attend school:

Is my child too ill for school? 

 When children are not attending school, parents/carers must inform us every day they are absent.  If an absence is not reported by a parent then we are duty-bound to investigate, and if no reason is given then it becomes an unauthorised absence.

Holidays in term time are not permitted, and the school complies with the national and Tower Hamlets policies where fines are issued to families if children are taken out of school for more than three consecutive days for a holiday or other reason.

If you have any questions about attendance, please contact our Learning Mentor, Louise Havard.


attendance policy.pdf

Tower Hamlets Penalty Notice Information 

Attendance Awards

Each week the class on each site with best attendance is announced in our Celebration Assembly. The winning class is awarded our brilliant Bonner bears (Bingo at Mile End and Tom at Bethnal Green) to look after and proudly display in their classes for the week. You can see on our Twitter account the adventures Bingo and Tom get up to each week!

Tower Hamlets Attendance & Welfare

Tower Hamlets Council has an attendance and welfare service which works with pupils up to the age of 16, alongside schools, parents, carers and other public services and voluntary agencies.

You can find out more on the Tower Hamlets website.