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GSO Test

Confidence, respect and a love of learning


Welcome to our schoolI am delighted to welcome you to our school website. I hope that it will give you a flavour of what a very special place Bonner is.

Bonner Primary School is unique in the fact that we are one school operating across two school sites. Bonner Bethnal Green is a two form entry school taking children from Reception until Year 6 and Bonner Mile End is a two form entry school taking children from Nursery to Year 6.

Bonner Primary School is a happy, inclusive and exciting place to learn. Our children are enthusiastic, inquisitive and at the heart of everything that we do. They are guided and supported by a passionate and dedicated staff team.

We are also proud of our collaborative relationship with other schools and agencies. We value every child, parent and member of staff and the contribution each has to make

We want our children to leave us, in Year 6, with the skills and confidence they need to achieve their ambitions and to lead happy, successful lives.

This website will provide some insight into what we believe makes our school distinctive, but I urge you to come and meet us, to feel the atmosphere and to judge for yourself what makes Bonner Primary School a special place to learn and work.

Confidence, respect and a love of learning

Nicola Denton-Dash



At Bonner we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  All staff and volunteers should raise any concerns they have about poor or unsafe practice and potential failures in the school safeguarding regime.

Virtual Tour: