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Confidence, respect and a love of learning



We want to inspire, motivate & challenge our pupils!

Our aim is to provide all children at Bonner with an ambitious, creative, broad and balanced curriculum.


Our aim is to provide all children at Bonner with an ambitious, creative, broad and balanced curriculum. We want to inspire, motivate and challenge our pupils.

Our curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning and build on that with coherently planned and sequenced lessons.   It provides exciting, first-hand experiences, which allow children to develop excellent knowledge and skills and build children’s resilience while developing them as independent thinkers and life-long learners.

We recognise every child as a unique individual and our curriculum is carefully designed, developed and adapted for pupils of all abilities.

We constantly provide enrichment opportunities to engage children.  Our Rights Respecting ethos, assemblies, PSHE lessons and Enrichment programme promote positive attitudes which reflect values and skills needed for future learning and success.

Children should leave Bonner having achieved the highest standards of which they are capable in all areas of teaching and learning.  They should also be well-prepared and excited to enter the next stage in their learning and proud that they have developed the confidence and skills needed to be future global citizens.

Bonner Curriculum:

bonner curriculum map 2023 24.pdf