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Confidence, respect and a love of learning



EYFS Vision & Values

Confidence:  Every child in our school is unique and has their own story - building trusting relationships between school and our families is the first step in supporting our children on their learning journey with us in the Early Years.  We strive to build confidence between home and school, between practitioners and children and support our families in making strong networks with one another to create a cohesive school community within our wider Tower Hamlets community.  This promotes and grows confidence in our children as learners and in the wider community.  Confident children are Children who have a sense of self are able to challenge themselves. This helps them become independent and secure to face challenges in other areas of learning, thus setting them up for a successful learning pathway ahead.

Respect: We are a Gold Award Rights Respecting School, respect is central to our core values as a school.   At the heart of the Rights Respecting Schools Award is a vision of education founded on Article 29 of the Convention which says that education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment. When children start in our school, a key part of the learning journey is to learn to be Ready, Respectful and Safe.  This forms the basis of the behavioural approach we take in our school.  In early years this starts with establishing clear routines and boundaries in school alongside celebrating each child’s successes and achievements.  Our children learn the importance of daily greetings, polite, respectful interactions and how to work as a team.  We teach children to respect one another and their environment through our daily routines and interactions to teach life long skills which will help them navigate through life.

Love of Learning:  We want to inspire and motivate our learners to be confident,  challenge themselves and take risks with their learning.  Our curriculum has been designed to ensure breadth of opportunity and to build language, vocabulary and cultural capital that will give all children strong foundations on which to build throughout their learning journey.  We have planned in projects for every half term to inspire children and staff to work together toward a shared goal.

We focus on the processes that that the children go through in their learning alongside the end product.  At the heart of our practice lie the characteristics of effective learning.  We provide the children with opportunities to play and explore, to learn through active exploration and hands on experiences and provide a learning environments that promote creativity and critical thinking through a range of carefully planned opportunities and experiences throughout EYFS. 

Confidence, respect and a love of learning 

Information about Reception  

Information for parents - Reception

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How to download your child's journal


In Reception our learning is inspired by children’s interests. We meet the children at their point of need by tailoring the learning around them. 

Below is our EYFS Curriculum Overview for 2024-25:

eyfs curriculum overview for website 2024 25.pdf

Please take a look at the newsletter for an overview of the Reception curriculum this half term, as well as upcoming events and ways to support at home.

reception newsletter spring 2.pdf

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for Reception

Below are the year group KIRFs which are a set of age appropriate maths facts that are fundamental to children's fluency and mental maths skills.

Children should practise these regularly at home!

kirfs eyfs.pdf

 Useful information

reception recommended reads checklist 2024 1 .pdf

parental support links.pdf