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Confidence, respect and a love of learning

The School Day

Nursery (mornings only) Nursery (full time) Reception-Year 6
Doors Open 8:50am 8:50am 8:50am
Registration 9am 9am 9am
School Ends 11:50am 3:15pm 3:15pm
Daily Total 3 hours  6 hours 25 mins 6 hours 25 mins
Weekly Total 15 hours  32 hours 5 mins 32 hours 5 mins
The school gates open at 8:50am and close at 8:58am every day. Any child arriving at school after the registers have closed is recorded as late and parents are required to give reasons for lateness. Anytime a child is late they miss out on their learning and over time this can impact negatively on their educational outcomes.

Walking home from school

Children in Years 5 and 6 are allowed to walk home from school on their own, with parental consent. We send letters out to parents at the start of every academic year to seek this consent or parents of year 5 and 6 children can notify us via the Main School Office.

Children in Years 5 and 6 are not allowed to walk a younger sibling at the school home. This is for safeguarding reasons, even if parents give their consent. 

A copy of our 'Travelling to and from school policy' can be found below:

travelling to and from school policy.pdf