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Confidence, respect and a love of learning

PSHE including RSE


The overarching intent of PSHE education at Bonner Primary School is for children to develop the key knowledge, skills, and qualities needed to keep them safe, healthy, and happy, enabling them to thrive as individuals, family members, and respectful members of society.
At Bonner, we aim to help all our children grow up as respectful global citizens who have a positive impact on society. Through PSHE education, pupils develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary to keep themselves healthy and safe, become independent, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain.


PSHE is taught once every term, alternating with RE. A range of teaching and learning styles are used to engage students in the subject. We teach PSHE education in line with the guidance and advice provided by the Department for Education. Lessons are drawn from a curriculum map based on the three core themes recommended by the PSHE Association:

  • Health and Well-being
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World – Economic well-being and responsible citizenship

In addition, our school assemblies are directly aligned with DfE guidance on how SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development) and British Values should be implemented. These assemblies are strategically planned to ensure scope, depth, and coverage across all year groups, complementing our PSHE curriculum and reinforcing key themes.

We encourage children to express themselves clearly and listen respectfully and carefully to each other. Active learning is emphasised through discussions, investigations, and problem-solving activities. Children participate in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship, such as charity fundraising and planning special school events. We organise classes to enable pupils to engage in discussions, resolve conflicts, and agree upon classroom behaviour rules (e.g., during circle time sessions). At the beginning of the year, each class creates a class charter based on the UNCRC.

Children are engaged through discussion, art, and other activities to raise awareness of how their choices affect others and the environment (e.g., producing posters to promote cycling or switching off lights). We use distancing techniques in lessons and provide opportunities for children to ask questions and reflect on their learning.


The impact of PSHE at Bonner is seen in children who can express themselves freely and confidently. They understand what it means to be a Rights Respecting Citizen and apply this in all aspects of their school life. Through pupil voice surveys, children have shared: "We learn about PSHE because it’s important to know how to keep yourself safe and healthy, and about your mental health. It’s good to learn about charity and other people in the world. It helps you to be a good friend and treat people equally."

Progression of Skills

progression of skills pshe.pdf

Impact and Achievements

Through the hard work and enthusiasm from children, staff, parents and the wider school community, we have been accredited the highest level of the Unicef UK’s Rights Respecting School Award at Gold: Rights Respecting. 

As a Gold Rights Respecting School, our PSHE lessons are linked to childrens' rights and year groups focus on active local and global citizenship and campaigning. 

As a Healthy School, Bonner has achieved the Bronze Award. Children at Bonner Primary School understand the importance of looking after their bodies. They improve their fitness through participation in the Daily Mile, they learn to enjoy, grow and prepare healthy food and develop strategies for positive mental health.

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