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Pupil Premium

Pupil premium (PPG) is a grant awarded to the school for children who are currently eligible for Free School Meals or those who have been eligible in the last six years. The grant is designed to help address inequalities between children who either receive or have received Free School Meals and those who do not.

If you think that your child might be eligible for Free School Meals then please visit one of Tower Hamlet’s One Stop Shops or click here for more information.

Below is more information on how we spent Pupil Premium Grant funding at Bonner in the last academic year, the impact of the spending and what we plan on spending it on this academic year.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025 

Catch up funding

The DfE has allocated £650 million to be spent on ensuring all pupils have the chance to catch up and supporting schools to enable them to do so.

Catch-up premium report