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Confidence, respect and a love of learning



At Bonner Primary School, we believe that everyone can be a writer, and we celebrate each child as an author with unique creativity and inspiration. Our goal is for all children to leave as confident, capable, and independent writers who understand the value of writing and find joy in the creative process. We foster a love for writing by encouraging our students to express themselves freely, knowing that their voices are celebrated.

Following the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum, we plan a progressive programme, which builds upon previous teaching and ensures that each child’s needs are met. We want our children to draw upon a rich exposure to quality literature so that throughout the writing process, they can write as a reader and read as a writer. We aim to help our children develop these skills in the following ways:

  • Introducing and deconstructing a wide variety of model texts, covering a variety of genres
  • By exposing and teaching high level vocabulary
  • Giving children opportunities to write for authentic purposes and across a range of subjects
  • Ensuring children have opportunities to talk about and plan their writing
  • A solid understanding of grammar and ability to use it accurately
  • Giving children opportunity to evaluate, revise and edit their own work as well as offer feedback on the work of their peers
  • To be able to spell, not only the prescribed spelling words but also words connected to the wider curriculum
  • Take pride in their work and its presentation, including their handwriting

Our curriculum cultivates a sense of independence in writing, whilst being inclusive and enriching.  Bonner Primary  School recognises the importance of children acquiring a wide vocabulary.

We also want all of our children to be able to spell new words by effectively applying spelling patterns and rules, where we follow the ‘Headstart’ spelling scheme.  We believe that all children should be encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing by developing a legible, cursive, handwriting style in preparation for their move to secondary school. Ultimately, we aim for all children to reach their full potential in writing.


Across school, children receive a daily English lesson. Within each unit of work, carefully sequenced lessons ensure that prior learning of grammar, punctuation and spelling is revisited and developed.  Each year group have a yearly overview of writing across a range of genres, ensuring that children are able to write for a range of purposes and audiences.

Provision in class may include working in a small group work with an adult, using scaffolds or using technology to assist with completion of work.

2 bonners writing journey docx.pdf


Children leave Bonner Primary School as happy, confident writers, who have the key skills and knowledge necessary for the next stage of their learning. Pupils will write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences

Progression of Skills

progression of skills writing docx.pdf

Assessing Writing

End of year writing expectations for each year group can be found here

Year 1    Year 2    Year 3    Year 4    Year 5    Year 6

We look at a range of writing outcomes to make assessment judgements and work with the local borough to attend moderation sessions to support this process.

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