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After School Clubs

At Bonner there is an After School Club available at both sites to support families. 

Bonner Mile End

This year, we are excited to launch our Bonner After School Club which is run by Bonner staff members.

The sessions are designed to include free play, outside play and a variety of planned activities for all ages from Nursery to Year 6.

After school runs from 3.30pm until 5:30pm.

Session 1         3.30pm - 4.30pm       £8.00

Session 2         3.30pm - 5.30pm       £10.00

Should you need further information please contact the school office.

All payments are made via the Arbor app. Payments through Tax-free Childcare Accounts and Vouchers are accepted.

Bonner Provider number: P21358781  

Below are details on how to book a session:

how to book breakfast club sessions through arbor.pdf

Bonner Bethnal Green


Bethnal Green After School Club  

Not-for-profit, Ofsted-registered, and open to children aged 3 to 11.

There are two branches of the club:

Globe Primary, Gawber St, OFSTED: 2549328

Bangabandhu Primary, Wessex Street, OFSTED: 2549327

Both are open Monday—Friday, 3 pm­—6 pm.

Cost is £13 per child, per afternoon from April 2024. Accept childcare vouchers

Children are picked up from Bangabandhu, Bonner, Globe, Hague, St Johns and John Scurr Primary Schools, and Rachel Keeling nursery. 

For enquiries or to register a place, contact

 Club Manager Muna Hassan

Bethnalgreenafterschoolclub@yahoo.co.uk / 07593618663 


begasc flyer for email.pdf


keeping children safe code of practice.pdf